Elise Cray

Practitioner Introduction

Hi! I’m Elise. I am an accredited EFT practitioner with a background in Psychology and a strong interest in self healing. I have felt first-hand the importance of integrating a full mind-body-spirit approach to self healing and self growth, and I have found tapping to be a powerful catalyst for deep, lasting growth in clients.

Practitioner Qualifications

EFT Level 1 & 2 Practitioner
Bachelor degree majoring in Psychology

About This Practitioner

You know how most kids want to be a firefighter or astronaut when they grow up? When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a counsellor. I didn’t know what EFT was back then, or else I’m sure I would’ve wanted to do that instead. My interest in the human experience started very young, and has only deepened and expanded over the years, as my own personal life experiences and those of loved ones around me, have propelled me to seek out new information and tools for self discovery and growth.

I’ve felt and seen within myself, the connection between our minds and emotions, and our body. We are holistic beings and to truly tap into the best of our infinite potential, we need a holistic approach.

Tapping makes use of not only the power of our minds, through its aspects of neuroplasticity and positive psychology, but also makes use of the powerful energy meridians within our bodies.
I’ve been humbled to see the amazing healing that tapping has brought about in the hearts, minds, bodies and souls of my clients so far.

Although the word “healing” can sometimes hold connotations of brokenness, the philosophy that rings most true to me, is that through the process of healing, we are not fixing parts of ourselves that are broken. Instead, through healing, we uncover more of our true selves, allowing us to grow and expand into the full versions of who we truly are.

If any of this resonates with you, please feel free to reach out either for an initial chat or an EFT Tapping session.