Live training is essential
Basic practitioner level 2 for EFT usually takes three days in a training room environment followed by an online test which can be completed in 20 minutes to an hour on average.
Matrix Reimprinting to practitioner level requires two days in the training room (on the understanding that you have already studied EFT) followed by its own similar online test. The tests may be conducted in another manner in countries where English is not widespread.
Why no online courses?
The EFTMRA takes a firm stand against online or remote training. While you are encouraged to study, practice and do what you feel is right to make an informed choice about learning either EFT or Matrix Reimprinting, the Academy will never issue a certificate or endorse someone as a practitioner unless they have undergone in-person, face-to-face training under the auspices of one of our highly skilled trainers.
In short, the only way to become an EFTMRA practitioner is by attending a live training.
Top-quality service to produce top-quality practitioners
This insistence on live trainings is because we aim to offer you the best in training, support and assessment, with personal attention to your needs and your developing skills in a way that is not possible online, at least not in the same amount of time without all the senses at play. Your skill and future success are reliant on technique right down to how heavily or lightly you tap, and on a certainty that any personal issues that may come up for you during tapping practice are properly and compassionately resolved and are not left to blur your focus or your understanding of the materials. As an Academy we prefer you to learn with all your senses and we prefer to have all of ours dedicated to your learning process.
For this reason, many trainers also establish a state of quiet isolation in the training room prior to the start of the core day, in order to ground and become focused on offering their best for your best.
Any questions?
Reach out! Contact us to ask any further questions about how to begin the training process. You are welcome to get in touch with the EFTMRA by email, or via a trainer near you.