The History of EFTMRA
The EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Academy (EFTMRA) was founded by Karl Dawson, the creator of Matrix Reimprinting and EFT Founding Master who studied directly with Gary Craig (the originator of EFT) in 2007 and was given the title of EFT Founding Master, a title only held by 28 EFT Practitioners worldwide. Previous to founding the EFTMRA, Karl had held a position as one of the directors of the AAMET (Now called EFT international)
Karl is multiple best selling Hay House author with two decades of personal experience as an Master EFT Practitioner, trainer and trainer of trainers.
Karl Dawson stands as a testament to the transformative power of these techniques in his own life, after recovering from long term chronic pain and other physical and emotional issues.
After realising several important elements were missing from the incredible healing modality EFT, he created Matrix Reimprinting, the addition of which would enable more people to access deep and rapid transformation possibilities. Matrix Reimprinting has been established and taught worldwide since 2007. In 2014 the EFTMRA was created as a single home for both amazing practices.
Since it’s inception in 2014, the EFTMRA has grown to become the largest training body for EFT worldwide with over 9,500 members in over 40 countries, having attended live courses with EFTMRA Trainers. It is the only training body in the world for Matrix Reimprinting with trainers in Australia, Asia, Europe, and, North and South America
The EFTMRA lives up to its original 2014 mission statement to simplify access to training, qualifications and ongoing support, whether for self-helpers, for those embarking on a new career as a practitioner, and for experienced therapists acquiring new skills to add to their existing knowledge, by “offering quality training with after course back-up including swap lists, supervision days, social networks, practitioner meeting days, webinars, video tuition and conferences.”
The EFTMRA have a number of private Facebook groups only accessible to practitioners, offering mentoring, supervision and peer support plus almost a decade of searchable posts and replies.
Every EFTMRA trainer is taught and approved by Karl Dawson, ensuring the quality of both the education and the client care and practitioner support that you can access as a member. No matter who you choose as your trainer, you are sure of a warm, supportive welcome and excellent training.
Practitioner courses take place in the UK and internationally, very often on a monthly basis. Karl’s mission and the mission of the EFTMRA organisation as a whole is to share the benefits of EFT and Matrix Reimprinting with a wide range of individuals, including existing practitioners and therapists from various other disciplines, as well as those seeking to improve their own lives and the lives of their loved ones.
Every trainer and active practitioner has witnessed time and time again the astounding results and positive transformations that occur through the application of these principles. Practiced separately or together, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting are an incredible process. Many of us firmly believe that there are no tools more potent than these when it comes to creating lasting positive change in one’s life.
Whether you are a professional seeking to enhance your therapeutic skills or an individual looking to improve your own well-being, we invite you to join us and explore these life-changing techniques.