UK Business
Setting up in business – Government guidelines
Sale of goods and services and data protection – Government guidelines #2
Intellectual property – Government guidelines #3
Assess your need to register for data protection – ICO Information Commissioners Office
Trading disclosures eg what must be on your headed paper: Companies Act 2008 *
* Applies to any sole trader trading under any business name except their real name (surname plus first name or initial)
Consumer Rights Act 2015
The Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018
Duty of Care and Safeguarding Legislation
Duty of care falls under tort law (civil law), specifically the tort of negligence and has been established for centuries between provider and client.
1932 Neighbour principle – established wider duty of care
Care Act 2014 – applies more to local authorities
UK statutory instruments (Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act, Protection of Freedoms Act etc)
Safeguarding Adults Pocket Guide – NHS England
Author: Cheryl White, EFT Test Manager