EFT Matrix Academy Practitioner Listings
Hi, I am Susie and my excitement shines through when I am inspiring and empowering others to realise their dreams just like I have since learning EFT.
My passion is helping EFT practitioners worldwide to become successful and create a thriving EFT practice / business that serves both them and their clients.
I am the Author of ‘Your EFT Business; The Essential Guide to Creating Your Dream Practice’ and the creator of the Your EFT Business Online Learning Program.
For me, techniques such as EFT and Matrix Reimprinting are essential tools for navigating life. It is my dream that everyone can have access and learn these tools for themselves. I feel so privileged and blessed to be able to help, support and encourage practitioners as they share and empower their clients with these transformative tapping tools.
EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Trainer
EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
Author of 'Your EFT Business; The Essential Guide to Creating Your Dream Practice'
Creator of Your EFT Business Online Program
Creator of Realise Your Dreams using EFT & Matrix Reimprinting
Case studies and exclusive exercises featured in many books including Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life; EFT Tapping Using Matrix Reimprinting & Matrix Reimprinting Using EFT: Rewrite Your Past, Transform Your Future.