Mette Barfoed

Practitioner Introduction

Hi - I am the Scandinavian Matrix Reimprinting Trainer, I have worked with EFT and Matrix Reimprinting since 2012 - and it has transformed my life in so many ways. For me Matrix Reimprinting is a life style. I offer EFT and Matrix Reimprinting courses in Danish and in English. In Denmark EFT is a 3 day course, Matrix Reimprinting a 4 day course. In Denmark EFT Matrix Reimprinting is also basic for a 3 year basic health education in Trauma Therapy which I train with lots of special classes in EFT/Matrix Reimprinting. I cannot recommend these lifechanging tools enough.

Practitioner Qualifications

Meta Health Trainer
TRE Provider
Sound Therapy Therapist
Nutricial therapist

About This Practitioner

My journey to EFT and Matrix Reimprinting started with 2 children with rare handicaps. I had spend many years trying to safe them and help them to fit in. Through EFT and Matrix Reimprinting I learned that my kids are amazing, have abilities that I do not have and that I am such a lucky person to be the mother of these to lovely young ladies. My stuck beliefs and decisions have been transformed into so much joy and hapiness - and today I do my best to inspire others to look into their stuck beliefs and decisions through EFT and Matrix Reimprinting trainings and sessions - I also offer online sessions.

Other Expertise

Meta Health Trainer
TRE Provider
Sound Therapy Therapist
Nutricial therapist
EFT special class - 30 years of knowledge transformed into a 2 day course:
EFT special (kids and youngsters, 2 day-training)
Matrix Reimprinting special classes:
Matrix Reimprinting (relationsships, 2 day-training)
Matrix Reimprinting (stress, anxiety and depression, 2 day-training)
Matrix Reimprinting (Birth - and soul plan, 2 day-training)
Matrix Reimprinting (money flow, 1 day-training)