Lucy Still

Practitioner Introduction

I have been practicing and training in EFT since 2005. It was EFT and in particular Matrix Reimprinting, that has had the most impactful transformation in my life. I am love using this deep and powerful intervention with my clients as well as a wealth of interventions I am trained in, to achieve the best outcome.

Practitioner Qualifications

EFT Levels 1, 2, 3
Matrix Reimprinting
Matrix Birth Reimprinting
Past Life Reimprinting
Grief Work with Janice Thompson

About This Practitioner

I work with a wide range of issues with special interest in healing from childhood trauma, food addiction and gut issues.

Other Expertise

Conscious Health Coach with Sam Thorpe
BWRT (Level 1 and 2) Psychopathology and Transformational Coaching
Cognitive Hypnotherapy
NLP Master Practitioner
Aroma Freedom Therapy
EFT up to trainer level with EFT and Mindfulness Centre
Meta Health Level 1 with Penelope Croal
Tapping for Weight Loss Coach with Brittany Watkins
Master Advanced Conversational Hypnotherapy with Scott Jansen
Gut Directed Hypnotherapy