Lady Maria Elizabeth Lada

Practitioner Introduction

I combine my experience as a psychologist and Eft&matrix practitioner to offer you help and guidance. All my attention is on bringing you healing and giving your power back.

Practitioner Qualifications

Barcelo degree psychologist and special needs. Speech therapy. EFT Level 1&2 and Matrix Reimprinting.

About This Practitioner

Nothing brings more joy to my soul than when I have been able to help someone. I have been working as a psychologist and healer for over 20 years, and I have always sought to improve and pass on what I know. I have always sought to find out how I can bring about healing, better and faster. The Matrix and EFT are the techniques that have allowed me to bring all my knowledge together and have proven their effectiveness far and wide. I am here to help you heal and achieve what you desire. I am here to serve you and guide you to find your way to living the life you deserve.

Other Expertise

PRANANADI- healing master, Reiki practitioner and master
Chinese Methapysik consultant and teacher.
Reconnection Practitioner.
Access Bars facilitator