Judy Bartkowiak

Practitioner Introduction

I work exclusively with children and teens (also usually mother and sometimes siblings) using a blend of whatever works ,basically.
That will always include EFT and PTT and Matrix Reimprinting.
I aim to make sessions fun and empowering, leaving them with tools such as tapping that they can use ongoing, especially before and during school, and before bed.
I train the NLP & EFT Kids Practitioner

Practitioner Qualifications

EFT Advanced Practitioner and Trainer
NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer
PTT Practitioner
Reiki Master Trainer
Matrix Birth Reimprinting Practitioner
Matrix Past Life Reimprinting Practitioner
EFT Eating Disorder Practitioner
EFT Grief Practitioner
Personal and Pastoral Counselling

About This Practitioner

For many years before turning to children and teens' mental health I worked with TV Production companies, Toy and Publishing companies helping them to understand the children they were producing TV, toys and books for.

Through focus groups, accompanied shopping, reviewing pilots and in home interviews, I attempted to understand how they engaged with characters on their favourite TV shows, what words, colours, symbols meant and the messages they took away from the stories. I was fortunate enough to study psychology on my degree in Business and my Masters in International Marketing and at Schlackmans, I trained with Bill Schlackman in Projective Techniques, Psycho drawing and Psychodrama.

Once I trained in NLP, I understood more about the processes of the mind and could add this to my skills but it was EFT that was the piece of the puzzle that contained the richest learning of how the energy flow in the body could be recovered through tapping and how this can lead us to the childhood UDIN or event 0-6yrs which contained the trauma and limiting belief that was being lived out daily.

I help children and teens with understanding and managing their emotions and limiting beliefs.

I help mums with birth and early childhood trauma of their own child and their own childhood issues, to assist and support the work I'm doing with their child or teen.

I train parents, teachers and coaches in working with children and teens using NLP and EFT.

I am the author of a number of books helping parents, children, teens, teachers and new mums - 'Be a happier parent with NLP', 'NLP Workbook', 'Self-Esteem Workbook', 'Secrets of the NLP Masters', 'Understanding children and teens', 'Empower your kids' and the Engaging NLP series of workbooks.

Other Expertise

Play and Art Therapy
Crystal Therapy
Walking Therapy
LEGO Serious Play