EFT Matrix Academy Practitioner Listings
Originally coming from classical music and music education background, as a singer, teacher, choir leader I was regularly performing on stage and was helping pupils finding vocal freedom. A period of burnout and vocal blocks led me to turn inward and look deeper. I had a strong call to study alignment and more bodily freedom through massage therapies, then got drawn into the world of energy work, and explored various modalities to find emotional and mental freedom.
Through my journey inward I found new life purpose in helping people find freedom, and I started singing again in a new, authentic and healthy way - body, mind and spirit connected.
Voice and breath are my spiritual resources and guiding stars. I was lost and then I found EFT and Matrix, with them found myself and my purpose again. Can't be grateful enough. I share the knowledge and spread the news of freedom wherever I can.
My aim as a practitioner is to help my clients find freedom in their life - revealing hidden stressors, getting unstuck from old patterns, releasing limiting beliefs, easing physical, mental and emotional pain, unblocking their path to their dreams.
EFT changed my life, now I help changing lives.
EFT Practitioner
Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
I facilitate EFT groups for people with chronic pain in Northamptonshire working with Social Prescribers in Northamptonshire. (SPRING)
I teach holistic breathwork based on opera breathing to long Covid sufferers, I am the founder of H.O.P.E. - Opera Breathing exercises.
I love the power of language and am fascinated to listen to and to work with the clients's words, I believe that the words they use are the gate to their unconscious.
At the moment I am studying Meta-Health and Matrix Birth Reimprinting. In process of becoming a practitioner in these modalities.
Vocal expertise - trained opera singer
Playing the piano, percussion and celtic harp
Breathwork for long Covid
Certified Embodiment coach
Massage therapist- Swedish, Thai, Indian head massage
Face Yogi
Pelvic Floor gymnast (Kriston method)