With Penny Croal
This training is your gateway to becoming a Meta Consciousness Analysis Coach, but it’s also a stand-alone weekend of profound personal growth. Tap into the secrets of your innate wisdom and explore the emotional connection with each tissue in your body.
Is this training for you? Answer these questions:
- Do you have powerful transformation tools and want quicker insights into the root of physical symptoms?
- Are you intuitive and see the link between the body and emotions but desire a deeper understanding of our biological system to explain it to others?
- Would you like to apply this knowledge to enhance your own well-being and use your body as a guide?
- Curious about the “why” behind health issues, the organs involved, and their timing?
- Do you have a personal or professional interest in health issues? Would you like to cut down the hours of trying to find the root of the problem?! Do you feel frustrated with the medical system – does it feel limiting for you or your clients?
- Struggling with recurring health issues for yourself or your clients?
- Seeking a precise scientific medical model that makes sense and restores full health?
If you said “yes” to at least one of these questions, this 2-day live online training is your opportunity for transformation!
You’ll learn exactly what a physical symptom relates to and how to heal from it, saving you, your loved ones and clients’ pain, time and money. Plus …. it’s fascinating!!
Participants include:
- Doctors, Naturopaths, Psychologists, Energy Psychology practitioners
- Chinese Medicine and other complementary medicine therapists
- Nurses, counsellors, consultants
- Chiropractors, osteopaths, NLP, EFT, EMDR practitioners
- Other licensed health professionals
Connect and collaborate with like-minded individuals in an encrypted forum through our membership site.
During these two days, you’ll gain insights into:
- The underlying causes of all dis-eases
- The two phases of a dis-ease process
- The connection between symptoms in affected organs, specific conflicts, and parts of the brain
- Microorganisms as biological allies
- Dis-ease as a meaningful, intelligent process
- The mind-body connection on a biological level
- The precise mind-body-organ-brain connection
- Empowering your clients on their self-healing journey
- Nurturing your self-healing journey
- Awaken your innate self-healing
“95% of all illness is caused through stress.” – Dr. Bruce Lipton
Zoom calls will be recorded and transcribed and you’ll have lifetime access to these plus PowerPoint and other resources.
Safe membership area that is encrypted for you to share and support for life.
Gateway to the 12-week IMCA health analysis coaching programme starting in 2024.
Transform your client interactions and apply this knowledge to enhance your own health and that of your loved ones.
Here’s what previous attendees had to say:
What can I say? I’d been wanting to do a training training Penny for years and even with such a build up it didn’t disappoint! How could it? Penny’s fun bubbly energy is infectious-even after what (for me) was a 4am start. Her knowledge of the subject is seemingly unending and is only matched by her deep compassion for others. I had many”aha” moments and no doubt I’ll be spending a lot of time going through my notes. In short, the course was a veritable treasure trove.
I’m ecstatic to have done it and, once I’ve thoroughly reviewed the material, hope to move forward to learn more. If you’re thinking of working with Penny don’t think, just do. She’s brilliant. You won’t regret it, I promise.
Taruni Tor
I came to Penny’s Meta Consciousness course to connect to my body and understand its ailments from a biological perspective. I thought I knew what to expect as I have explored various methods based on the Mind-Body connection. However, the experience exceeded all my expectations. There were laughs and tears, and plenty of knowledge balanced with practical exercises. I had profound insights that would normally come after a good Matrix session. But the most crucial part is that I was able to make a compassionate connection with my body under Penny’s gentle guidance.
My aching organ immediately responded when I made the connection to the exact emotional conflict that caused it. My biggest wisdom came from understanding how one major emotion had shaped my life and body and that of my family.
Irena Relyovska-Barton
I have always been interested in Meta Consciousness and jumped on the opportunity to learn with Penny after many years. Thank you so much for the opportunity. It was lovely to spend time with the group of highly sensitive, highly responsive, eager-to-learn, folks, under Penny’s gentle and sometimes direct guidance. It was great to connect the dots and to learn some history of this valuable knowledge body and how it continues to be validated.
As a heavily body-based practitioner, I had been aware and deeply connected to the body’s subtle (and not subtle) messages and it was a wonderful confirmation as well as additional layers of learning that we are tapping into and have the wonderful opportunity to be on the forefront to bring back the population to the trust their body wisdom better. The generative phase including inflammation, for example, as common sense as it appears now once that’s pointed out, there is indeed a big gap in the societal message-ing and to be pointed that out was a powerful exercise in itself.
Penny Croal
EFTi Master Trainer, EFTMRA Trainer of Trainers Matrix Reimprinting Trainer, META-Consciousness Founder Master Trainer & Practitioner.
For further information and training dates please go to: https://www.changeahead.biz