Please click on the links, fill in the simple questions and ask to join these groups.
The Private EFTMRA Practitioner Group
This is a closed group strictly for EFT and/or Matrix Reimprinting practitioners and trainees who have completed face-to-face training with the EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Academy. It is designed as a continuation of the atmosphere at those trainings.
This is a safe haven for posting messages of support, questions, news of good days, bad days, celebrations of easy clients and cries for help with the ones that come with lessons attached (no names!) – in short anything you might want to share privately, with others who took exactly the same training to arrive here!
Please read the rules. This is a place for mutual support and not for self-promotion or sales.
Private EFT and Matrix Online Swap Group
EFTMRA online SWAP GROUP is a safe place where only EFTMRA students can join together and find a student or practitioner to swap with. Here we can share, learn and hook up to clear our limiting beliefs and give ourselves permission to heal in whatever capacity you wish through the beautiful tools of Matrix Reimprinting and EFT.
This will invite us to expand our art in this beautiful tool whilst clearing and learning.. a win-win wonderful unique scenario.